There Has Been a Delay

I can hear you now. “Hey, I thought this blog got updated daily. What gives?”

Or, “hello,” as people used to say. But yes. It’s been a while since my last post. My wife and I were taking a shirt vacaion last weekend to visit family, but during that trip I got an email from my boss in Florida offering to fly me down to meet Ric Flair, who is a client of ours.

I didn’t hesitate. But, that weekend away turned into a whole week away pretty quickly, and when you’re dealing with a blog chronicling a vinyl collection, it gets hard to take the show on the road.

So the blog’s been quiet, but my life has not been. And neither have my headphones. I used all of my travel time as an opportunity to dive into a bunch of different bands that I had previously overlooked. And, there’s a great record store in St. Pete’s where I acquired a bt of a backlog that I need to go through now.

In the meantime, here’s me and Ric Flair.

Also, I’ve been thinking for a while about starting a podcast to talk about my favorite records with friends, and the more I talk about, the more serious I get about it. Now, I’m brainstorming show formats, researching licensing laws, and putting together a list of records and guests, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious  (yes, that was a Napoleon Dynamite quote).

But now, I’m back home, and ready to spin some records. Regular posts will resume shortly.