Record #201 – Collections of Colonies of Bees – Customer (2004)

I got through about ten minutes of this record without realizing it was playing at the wrong speed.

But that’s noodly noise rock for you. And this album is not meant to make any grand statements. There ten tracks, all called “Fun,” except for the final track, which is called “Funeral.” Unless you were to watch the needle pass over the song dividers, there’s no clear distinctions between the tracks.

Guitar lines noodle around eachother while samples blip and bleep in and out of the atmosphere. A drum set sometimes rolls on a cymbal or the snare, but rarely—if ever—does it actually get a groove going.

But that doesn’t mean it’s unlistenable. This is great background music. Just don’t expect much of the intricate composition of their later albums.


(and a note: I somehow skipped this record earlier in the project, so here it is now)