Record #973: Kvelertak – Endling (2023)

“Rock and roll don’t come from your brain, it comes from your crotch.” Thus spake James Franco’s Daniel Desario on Freaks and Geeks, and though I might disagree with the universality of that sentiment, there’s no denying that rock and roll emanates from a primitive place deep inside of us (how else do you explain the success of Limp Bizkit?).

While there’s no shortage of subgenres taking themselves too seriously, perhaps the biggest offender is black metal. Through all the corpse paint, church burning, and inter-band homicide, it often seems like there’s no room for levity in the scene. Even in the less purist offshoots like blackgaze, everything is delivered with complete sincerity.

Then there’s Kvelertak. Dubbing themselves “black ‘n’ roll,” the Norwegian sextet takes the blistering sonic assault of black metal and injects it with a heaping dose of crotch-thrusting rock and roll.

You might as well call it Blue Öyster Kvlt. And if there’s any question, it rules.

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Record #777: Stryper – To Hell With the Devil (1986)

To paraphrase Larry Norman, “Why should the Devil have all of the [heavy metal]?”

Thus is the guiding principle that founded Stryper, who were young Christian rock and roll fans who loved heavy music but hated all of the debauchery and occultism that pervaded much of the lyrics.

It’s certainly not a unique story (see also: Resurrection Band, Petra, Larry Norman again, the Christian music machine in general), but To Hell With the Devil is maybe the most emblematic distillation of the ethos of what Christian metal is. And it does so without compromising on either their Christian faith or their metal riffs.

It worked too: it went Platinum, spawned numerous hits on MTV, and remains one of the most important albums in the genre.

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