Record #602: Elvis Costello and the Attractions – Imperial Bedroom (1982)

There ain’t nobody like Elvis but Elvis. And I don’t mean Presley.

Elvis Costello is a singular figure in the history of pop music, encapsulating the purest forms of aloof cool, punk sneering, and pop songcraft.

But knowing him mostly as a new wave icon, I was surprised to hear that one of his most highly regarded albums is a piece of orchestral chamber pop.

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Record #159: Elvis Costello – My Aim is True (1977)

The same year Clapton was putting together a collection of mediocre excuses for guitar solos called Slowhand that (let’s be honest) probably sounded dated upon its release, something else was brewing in London.

That something else was a young man named Elvis Costello who called in sick to his day job to record his debut album, which has become an undisputed classic.

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