Record #1028: As Cities Burn – Hell or High Water (2009)

During my scene phase in high school, very few records hit me quite as hard as Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest. Even when I fell off of heavy music in favor of indie rock, I revisited that record quite often.

But it turns out I wasn’t the only one trading hardcore for indie rock. After losing their screamer and putting out one of the best Christian-adjacent post-hardcore records ever, As Cities Burn pulled a massive left turn and made an indie rock record. But despite this seismic shift, the group is just as emotive and cathartic as ever.

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Record #239: As Cities Burn – Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest (2005)

recently stated that I haven’t cared about hard music in something like eight years. While that’s true, there is one exception.

Even as I dismissed the more fist-in-the-air tastes of my youth in favor of more cerebral tastes like folk, electronica, Krautrock, and the like, As Cities Burn’s debut has always been near the top of my favorite albums.

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